Dr. Theresa Stotesbury is an Associate Professor and early career researcher in the Faculty of Sciences – Forensic Science Program at Ontario Tech University in Canada. She completed a Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science and PhD in Materials Science at Trent University (Canada), and also completed a Master of Science in Forensic Science at the University of Auckland (New Zealand).
Theresa’s research group characterizes how biological tissues, like blood, degrade in the environment and finds innovative ways to use this information to help with forensic investigations. Her research group also focuses on developing novel biomaterials, like forensic blood substitutes, for training and research applications. Theresa regularly collaborates with members of the BPA and other forensic communities and has held a previous appointment of Research Scientist at the Ontario Provincial Police.
Click on the images below to learn more about current and past members!
Some members have taken on a few roles in the laboratory and their most current roles are shown here!
PhD candidate
Lab Assistant

Colin is a PhD candidate in the Applied Biosciences graduate program. He transferred from his MSc project where he is focusing on multivariate approaches to age degrading bloodstains. Colin's undergraduate degree (Trent U) and USRA focused on RNA degradation in bloodstains. Colin is a 2x NSERC USRA recipient and was awarded a NSERC CGS-M and OGS for his MSc research project!

Jerika (she/her) is a PhD Candidate in the Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Windsor, and is co-supervised by Dr. Shari Forbes and Dr. Theresa Stotesbury. She holds a BSc in Forensic Science from Ontario Tech University and an MSc in Forensic Science from King’s College London (UK). Her PhD research aims to identify potential biomarkers for the PMI of human remains using MALDI-FT-ICR-MSI and GCxGC-TOF-MS.

Erin is a PhD candidate in the Applied Bioscience graduate program, recently transferring from a MSc. Her research project is focused on developing a forensic blood substitute with chemical functionality to serve as a tool for research and training in bloodstain pattern analysis and time since deposition. Her graduate research has been supported by NSERC CGS-M, OGS, and NSERC CGS-D awards. Previously, Erin completed her BSc in Forensic Science at Trent University.

Dr. Mebwe Pachong is researching with Drs Stotesbury and Lewis (from the trustworthy AI labs). Her research focuses on using artificial intelligence techniques to build an innovative tool that will assist BPA experts to classify blood spatter. Previous to this she was a PDF at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research.

Shaijieni is a MSc student in the Applied Biosciences program at Ontario Tech University. She is exploring how the influence of the substrate affects drip patterns and their classification.

Daisee is an MSc student in the Applied Bioscience Program at Ontario Tech. She joined the FCML in 2022 when she received the OTU-STAR Award. Her research involves the synthesis of a label-free alginate-based biosensor for the detection of short oligonucleotides. This project is co-supervised by Dr. JP Desaulniers.

Faith (she/her) is a MSc student in Applied Bioscience at Ontario Tech. Her project involves the use of LCV enhancement of latent bloodstains across various dilutions at TSDs. Prior to this Faith graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland, with a Joint Honours BSc in Chemistry and Biochemistry, alongside a Certificate in Criminology.

Ainaz is a Master’s student in Computer Science at Ontario Tech University. She focuses on the ethical implications and robustness of AI models. Currently, she is working with Drs. Peter Lewis Theresa Stotesbury to classify blood patterns while addressing the ethical considerations and potential vulnerabilities of using machine learning in forensic analysis.

Emily is about to enter her 4th year in Ontario Tech's Forensic Science undergraduate program, and she is a NSERC USRA recipient for the summer. She is currently working with Daisee to explore how alginate hydrogels can be used for biosensing purposes. When she is not working in the lab, she enjoys dance, music, circus, video/board games, and spending time outside.
Stay tuned! Usually we post for Sept - April positions through OTU's University Works!
Dr. Amanda Orr (05/2023 - 09/2023; LinkedIn)
Dr. Amanda Orr (09/2017 - 05/2023; co-supervised with Dr. Paul Wilson; LinkedIn; Governor General's Gold Medal, NSERC CGS-D, OGS, 1st Place Poster Pitch RSC Twitter Conference, Lausanne Forensic Science Fellowship, Canadian Society of Forensic Science Educational Award)
Kgalalelo Rampete (09/2022 - 12/2024; LinkedIn)
Mitchell Tiessen (09/2019 - 11/2021; LinkedIn; Ontario Tech Faculty of Science W.R. Smith Thesis Award, OGS, ECS Poster Award, Canadian Society of Forensic Science Poster Award, Canadian Society of Forensic Science Educational Award)
BScs (honours research theses + NSERC USRAs, OTU STARs, OTU USRFs)
Meaghan Westerik (09/2023 - 04/2024; LinkedIn; NSERC USRA)
Keegan Hirst (09/2023 - 04/2024; LinkedIn)
Shaijieni Kannan (09/2022 - 04/2023; LinkedIn; co-supervised with Amanda Lowe)
Daisee Lubrin (09/2022 - 04/2023; LinkedIn; co-supervised with Dr. Jean-Paul Desaulniers; OTU STAR Award)
Kgalalelo Rampete (09/2021 - 04/2022; LinkedIn)
Brayden Vale (09/2021 - 04/2022; LinkedIn; OTU USRF)
Julia Harvey (09/2021 - 04/2022; LinkedIn; co-supervised with Eugene Liscio and Amanda Lowe)
Jessica Legg (09/2021 - 04/2022; LinkedIn; co-supervised with Dr. Wesley Burr)
Maryam Fakhori (09/2020 - 04/2021; LinkedIn)
Colin Elliott (09/2020 - 04/2021; LinkedIn; co-supervised with Dr. Aaron Shafer; 2x NSERC USRA)
Priya Kundan (09/2019 - 04/2020; LinkedIn)
Marie-Laurence Cossette (09/2019 - 04/2020; LinkedIn; co-supervised with Dr. Aaron Shafer; NSERC USRA)
Kristen Yeh (09/2019 - 04/2020; LinkedIn; co-supervised with Dr. Wesley Burr; 2x NSERC USRA)
Rebecca Gualdieri (09/2018 - 04/ 2019; LinkedIn)
Mitchell Tiessen (09/2018 - 04/ 2019; LinkedIn; co-supervised with Dr. Naomi Stock; NSERC USRA)
Craig Choquette (09/2018 - 04/ 2019; LinkedIn; co-supervised with Dr. Naomi Stock)
Tamara Newell-Bell (09/2018 - 04/ 2019; LinkedIn; co-supervised with Dr. Aaron Shafer)
Kristine Boos (09/2017 - 04/2018; LinkedIn; co-supervised with Dr. Mike Illes)
Si Hu (09/2017 - 04/2018; co-supervised with Dr. David Ellis)
Additional NSERC USRA & OTU STAR (BSc)
Jesse Plante (05/2020 - 08/2020; LinkedIn)
Laboratory Assistants
Social Committee

Tiki the Frenchton keeps the lab ready for adventure. She is a great listener and has an endless supply of love and support for all members.